
    As an independent artistic science, the program focuses on design of product form, product shape and product prototype. The program will prepare the students with the ability and skills of product drawing, prototype construction, computer-aided design of 2D and 3D and the application of material and process. Its focus is to improve students’ comprehensive capabilities of product design.


    Product design program is to cultivate talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique and aesthetic and talents with the ability to meet the demands of regional economic construction and social development, to provide the students the capability and qualifications of product design and development, innovation and practice capability, and to have students prepared to work in modern manufacturing or professional design companies on product form design, prototype construction, design development of home appliance products, culture products and digital media derived products.

Core Curriculum

1. Basic courses: Three-Dimensional Construction and Design Basics, History Of Industrial Design, Design Thinking And Methodology, Ergonomics and etc.

2. Professional courses: Sketches Plan And Drawing, Product Material And Process, Prototype Construction And Process, Product Design and etc.

3. Software Courses: Photoshop, Rhino, PROE and CAD


1. Product design program is well targeted and selective as well, home appliance products, cultural products and digital media derived products.

2. Featured curriculum system has been established under the guidance of the combination of platform and module. Teaching model is the integration of featured curriculum, major field and comprehensive improvement of design practice.

3. The teaching method of facilitating teaching with project and improving teaching by competition is involved in the whole teaching process.

Future Outlook

Product design and technological development complement and reinforce each other. It contributes to cultural development and covers a variety of areas for application with its focus on the combination of technique and art. Its also has a wide range of products. With the development of society, there is a rapid growth in demands for product design talents.